Where it feels like home and you are treated like family
Call Us Today: (518) 673-5212  
Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center photo Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center residents having fun Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center team Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center Administrator Roxanne Barrett

Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center — “Where it feels like home and you are treated like family”

Welcome to the Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center

NH5STar Care Report

» Care Compare Five-Star Nursing Homes Rating Report for March 2025


Palatine Nursing Home COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Plan

Purpose: To guide facility leadership adn staff on how to prepare for new or newly evolved infectious diseases whose incidence in humans has increased or threatens to increase in the near future and that has the potential to pose a significant public health threat and danger of infection to the residents, families adn staff of the facility.
» Download the Pandemic Emergency Plan. adobe acrobat pdf file for informational download


Set Grandparents Up With Technology for Less

When you're younger, your grandparents are a source of love, special adventures, and wisdom shared through entertaining stories and memories. As you both get older, however, this relationship begins to change, and sometimes this makes it more difficult to stay in touch.

Fortunately, there's plenty of technology available to make it easier to maintain this special bond.
» Download this article for more information. adobe acrobat pdf file for informational download


Yes, You Can Live It Up in Retirement While Still Being Frugal

The general consensus is that millennials are too eager to spend money while baby boomers are too tight. But what if there was a healthy balance between the two? What if you could live it up in your golden years while still practicing frugality and preparing for the worst?
» Download the You Can Live It Up in Retirement article adobe acrobat pdf file for informational download for more information.

It is the mission of Palatine Nursing Home to provide quality health care, both long and short term, with compassion and commitment to all who seek our services. Palatine Nursing Home promotes physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well being in a positive, family – like atmosphere.

Palatine Bridge Nursing Home resident

“Where it feels like home and you are treated like family”


Palatine Nursing Home has been a staple in the community for fifty years. Providing skilled nursing services since 1963, Palatine Nursing Home has been dedicated to providing the highest quality services to those in our care. Conveniently located only one half mile off exit 29 of the NYS thruway Palatine Nursing Home's picturesque views overlooking the Mohawk Valley provide our residents the quaint rural atmosphere our community holds dear.

Under new management, Palatine Nursing Home is striving to bring state of the art treatment techniques and services, enhancing the community focused approach we are known for. The Healthcare Professionals at Palatine Nursing Home pride themselves on providing individualized care with the goal of enriching each resident’s social, cognitive, and physical well-being.


Short Term Rehabilitation


What it means:

   The Therapy team here at Palatine Nursing and Rehabilitation Center works directly with our residents, their family’s and the rest of the » more

Long Term Stay


Skilled Nursing offers a broad range of comprehensive services:

  • 24-hour skilled nursing care
  • Resident and family services
  • Dietician services, liberalized diet plans to meet resident’s needs
  • Physical, speech, and occupational therapists
  • Dental, podiatry, and vision services
  • Physician services
  • A variety of social and activity programs both on and off site

» more info. on Long Term Stay

Meet the Administrator


Roxanne Barrett:

   For Roxanne, Palatine Nursing Home truly “feels like home and you are treated like family”. » more


   In June 2016 NYS Licensed Administrator, Roxanne Barrett joined the Palatine team. Roxanne has over 30 years of health care experience and is responsible for ...  » more

Contact Roxanne:

» more

Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center

Call Us Today
(518) 673-5212

Email Roxanne

154 Lafayette St
Palatine Bridge, NY 13428
fax: (518) 673-5911

Attention All Visitors, Do not visit if ou have fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and or diarrhea until you are completly recovered.

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Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center ...
“always has so many fun things going on at their home... Every home should be like this one... Shout out to all of the staff that make this home what it is... God Bless you all... You can see that the residents really enjoy their home... The residents did an awesome job! This was a very nice day. The home gave away so much to the public. Very friendly staff & residents. It sure was seeing how nice everyone interacted with the residents. You could really see that the reidents were very happy being in their home. Thumbs up to the staff and residents!"
~ Cindy E.

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