Where it feels like home and you are treated like family
Call Us Today: (518) 673-5212  
Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center photo Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center residents having fun Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center team Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center Administrator Roxanne Barrett

Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center — “Where it feels like home and you are treated like family”

Testimonials from our residents

Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center ...
“always has so many fun things going on at their home... Every home should be like this one... Shout out to all of the staff that make this home what it is... God Bless you all... You can see that the residents really enjoy their home... The residents did an awesome job! This was a very nice day. The home gave away so much to the public. Very friendly staff & residents. It sure was seeing how nice everyone interacted with the residents. You could really see that the reidents were very happy being in their home. Thumbs up to the staff and residents!"
~ Cindy E.

“I was welcomed at the door with smiling faces and treated like I was extended family coming home for a visit”

“I was so relieved to know that I could leave Palatine knowing that my mother was cared for by such a loving group of professionals”

“We toured many other places and were so happy to find such a small facility where we were given undivided attention from administration to housekeeping”

“My wife went through rehab and returned home to me stronger than ever”


Staff Testimonials: What our own team says about PBNH

"... I have worked for PNH for a little over ten year and consider my co-workers and residents family. I see many staff members sacrifice time with their families at home to be with the resident’s on holidays and special events. You can see the dedication and commitment to our residents and their families amongst every department...."
~ Cindi Borchert – Director of Housekeeping

"... Working at Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center really is like working with family. You get to know and develop relationships with everyone by working closely with the residents, their families and coworkers. Truly a great and supportive place to be. The residents and staff give me a reason to look forward to going to work every day!..."
~ Amy Rosenberger – Speech Therapist

"... I have been employed with Palatine Nursing Home for 15 years. It is a family-oriented Nursing Home and a nice place to work. We at Palatine take great pride in taking care of our residents and their family members. We consider our residents and their families as our own. Our team at Palatine Nursing Home makes the dream work!..."
~ Jody Streath – CNA

Short Term Rehabilitation


What it means:

   The Therapy team here at Palatine Nursing and Rehabilitation Center works directly with our residents, their family’s and the rest of the » more

Long Term Stay


Skilled Nursing offers a broad range of comprehensive services:

  • 24-hour skilled nursing care
  • Resident and family services
  • Dietician services, liberalized diet plans to meet resident’s needs
  • Physical, speech, and occupational therapists
  • Dental, podiatry, and vision services
  • Physician services
  • A variety of social and activity programs both on and off site

» more info. on Long Term Stay

Meet the Administrator


Roxanne Barrett:

   For Roxanne, Palatine Nursing Home truly “feels like home and you are treated like family”. » more


   In June 2016 NYS Licensed Administrator, Roxanne Barrett joined the Palatine team. Roxanne has over 30 years of health care experience and is responsible for ...  » more

Contact Roxanne:

» more

Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center

Call Us Today
(518) 673-5212

Email Roxanne

154 Lafayette St
Palatine Bridge, NY 13428
fax: (518) 673-5911

» Care Compare Five-Star Nursing Homes Rating Report for February 2025

Attention All Visitors, Do not visit if ou have fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and or diarrhea until you are completly recovered.

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Palatine Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center ...
“always has so many fun things going on at their home... Every home should be like this one... Shout out to all of the staff that make this home what it is... God Bless you all... You can see that the residents really enjoy their home... The residents did an awesome job! This was a very nice day. The home gave away so much to the public. Very friendly staff & residents. It sure was seeing how nice everyone interacted with the residents. You could really see that the reidents were very happy being in their home. Thumbs up to the staff and residents!"
~ Cindy E.

» Read More Testimonials